Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ike Cleanup

Most of these were at our house (and our neighbor's). The Moses family was so sweet and came to help us cleanup.

We are so grateful. We really received very little damage at all (especially when you consider Galveston, just 30 miles a way.) We had just a little water in our front window (about 8 feet of carpet got wet), two fences down, and a LOT of tree debris in our back yard. I went out and started working on it the day after we got back. I worked for about 3 hours and barely made a dent. I was starting to get discouraged... it was going to take me WEEKS/ months to clean it all up. Especially with Ian tagging along, I was never going to get it done. BLess his heart, he was SO cute out there dragging branches out to the curb. I'm sure I have pictures of that too. It really lightened my load to have him so joyfully helping. Then my best friend, Janine and her husband Kyle and the kids came over. Within 2-3 hours it was all gone!!! I was SO very relieved! I am so grateful for their help!!!! I can't tell you what the help meant to me as the task was truly insurmountable without it.

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