Friday, March 19, 2010


We are sitting at the table a few min ago. B says, "I usually get what I want." What a loaded statement! Dave and I just smiled.

What an abolutely positive, yet absolutely realistic statement. I USUALLY get what I want. Not always. (not a total brat). But I believe that the world will usually give me what I want out of life. (not I will trample over whoever to get it). But usually. Leaves lots of room for finding the best solution for everyone - including himself.

I hope and pray that he will maintain that general perspective into adulthood.. I know too many adults who feel stuck with whatever life hands them. This life is a wonderful place, there really is an infinite amount of amazing options in this world. I pray that he will have the courage to continue to believe, "I usually get what I want out of life" and Go Get it! Build an amazing life for yourself kiddo! (no matter what life throws at you. )

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